GalaxyArenaisafirstpersonshooterwhereyouplayasCapiathanGordondefendingtheplanet.CaptainGordon,aUFOspecialist,insearchofevidenceof ...
關於此遊戲 Galaxy Arena is a first person shooter where you play as Capiathan Gordon defending the planet. Captain Gordon, a UFO specialist, in search of evidence of the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations, plunges into the world of reality on his day off, after a while Gordon realizes that this is no longer a game and it is impossible to get out of it. Negotiations were unsuccessful, the aliens preferred the second option, destruction, overthrowing opponents with a variety of weapons from the ground, as well as extraterrestrial invaders in the arena.-Animated graphics. -Simple, funny gameplay. -Unforgettable adventures.
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